Hi there, PyCon Israel Followers!
A lot has happened in the last few weeks, and we want to make sure you
First, the thing many of you have been waiting for -- this year's
agenda is out. You're welcome to check it out at
This agenda is the result of long hours of work -- by the submitters,
the reviewers, and the conference team. The agenda includes an opening
panel, 27 talks and five workshops. We believe it reflects our
commitments to excellent content and to the local community.
Following the release of the agenda, tickets should be out for sale
later this week.
Second, we have been running "side operations" -- a set of smaller
events where we reach out to contribute from our experience. You can
read about the on-site event we held at Ben Gurion University, and the
on-line event we are holding next Sunday, in our blog:
And, oh, since we mentioned it in passing, we have a blog:
Looking forward to see you at the conference,
Shai, for the PyCon Israel Team.